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DRF 2941 LLB BO - ABEC-3, Black Oxide, Flanged, Flanged, Double-Row, Press-In, Bottom Bracket bearin

Kód produktu: BB DRF 2941 LLB BO-bx

160 PLN

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Opis produktu

DRF 2941 LLB BO - ABEC-3, Black Oxide, Flanged, Double-Row, Press-In, Bottom Bracket bearing solution for BB86/92 framesets and SRAM DUB cranksets This unique custom designed bearing allows you to fit SRAM DUB cranks directly into a BB86/92 frameset. With the limitation of just 41mm inner diameter of the BB86/92 bottom bracket shell, it requires a special solution to accommodate for the DUB 29mm BB spindle. By utilizing flanged double-row bearings that press directly into the BB shell, we are able to maximize contact area by doubling the number of balls per side to provide a long lasting solution in an extremely tight space. This ABEC-3 radial bottom bracket bearing features black-oxide treated 52100 High-Carbon Chromium alloy races paired with grade 10 Balls with 90% fill, high-pressure, water-proof grease. Black oxide/magnetite treatment provides an extra level of corrosion resistance for extended worry-free performance. This bearing is designed specifically for use in BB86/92 framesets with SRAM DUB cranksets. The Enduro line of bearings are available in high-carbon chromium steel, 440C stainless steel, ceramic-hybrid and XD15 with ceramic or stainless balls. Our bearings are always engineered with deepest groove races possible to accommodate the largest balls and feature dual-lip seals that ride in a micro-groove creating a full labyrinth to provide superior protection against the elements.
DRF 2941 LLB BO - ABEC-3, Black Oxide, Flanged, Double-Row, Press-In, Bottom Bracket bearing solution for BB86/92 framesets and SRAM DUB cranksets This unique custom designed bearing allows you to fit SRAM DUB cranks directly into a BB86/92 frameset. With the limitation of just 41mm inner diameter of the BB86/92 bottom bracket shell, it requires a special solution to accommodate for the DUB 29mm BB spindle. By utilizing flanged double-row bearings that press directly into the BB shell, we are able to maximize contact area by doubling the number of balls per side to provide a long lasting solution in an extremely tight space. This ABEC-3 radial bottom bracket bearing features black-oxide treated 52100 High-Carbon Chromium alloy races paired with grade 10 Balls with 90% fill, high-pressure, water-proof grease. Black oxide/magnetite treatment provides an extra level of corrosion resistance for extended worry-free performance. This bearing is designed specifically for use in BB86/92 framesets with SRAM DUB cranksets. The Enduro line of bearings are available in high-carbon chromium steel, 440C stainless steel, ceramic-hybrid and XD15 with ceramic or stainless balls. Our bearings are always engineered with deepest groove races possible to accommodate the largest balls and feature dual-lip seals that ride in a micro-groove creating a full labyrinth to provide superior protection against the elements.


  • Średnica zewnętrzna łożyska 41/44mm
  • Średnica wewnętrzna łożyska 29mm
  • Szerokość łożyska 11mm
  • Marka Enduro Bearings

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